Richard Erickson

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Richard Erickson has been involved with agriculture all of his life. Having grown up on a dairy and beef farm in the US state of Illinois, he was very involved in agricultural organizations such as 4-H and Future Farmers of America (FFA), winning many awards in his early years.

Rich went on to a college degree in Animal Science and doing Masters Degree work in Agricultural Economics before joining the US Army Veterinary Food Inspecion Service for three years.

After being discharged from the US Army, he started a pig farm that within a few years grew into the largest pig farm in the state he was living in. Following this, Rich got involved with and then became the owner of a f a food by-products business that was active throughout the United States as well as many places throughout the world.

Erickson, and his wife Mary Sciascia, have been involved in trying to help improve the life of farmers in countries such as Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Kenya, Ghana and now more of Africa.

All of this is based on a Christian belief that many, many more need to hear about and believe in Jesus. Rich has a firm belief that it is hard to fill the hearts and minds of people about Jesus if their stomachs are empty.

If stomachs are better filled, minds are easier opened to the specialness of Jesus. New profits will then be used to improve their local church and community, as we have often seen. Erickson strongly believes that great things are done by those that are not afraid to be great and challenges all to be “GREAT”

Designation: Consultant on Agriculture
Call: 123-456-789