Rev. Solomon Salam Ayagri

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Rev. Solomon is the pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana and currently the Regional Head Pastor of the Ashanti Region of Ghana and also the Director of Peter Kelm Memorial Lutheran School in Manso Atwere in Ashanti Region.

In the year 1990, Salam attended the Lutheran Seminary in Nigeria and became the Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Congregation in Tema Ghana for seven years. He also served as an Evangelistic Missionary with the Lutheran Church in Uganda for ten years.

As a Missionary in Uganda, Rev. Salam developed a great passion for supporting the rural needy as part of his evangelistic ministry. Out of his own resources and support from friends, he supported the education and health needs of the rural poor people in his ministry area.

Since his returned to Ghana in 2010, Rev. Salam has never stopped supporting the rural needy in his region with the help of his friends. Salam’s main goal is to reach out to over ten thousand rural needy in areas of education, health and agriculture in Ghana.

Rev. Salam holds a Master of Divinity Degree from Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne Indiana USA. Also, holds a bachelor’s degree in Ethics and Development Studies from Uganda Martyrs University Kampala Uganda.

Rev. Salam is married to Georgina, a great partner in ministry and blessed with four beautiful children; Paul, Timothy, Pollatz and Talata

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